ARE YOU A GAMER? All holders can now play as Cashew in Nifty Island! After months of dedicated work, the Cashew Gets a Job community is live!
About Nifty Island:
Nifty Island is a free-to-play social gaming platform where players can create and customize their own worlds, and engage in various games, while showcasing or playing as their favorite NFTs! The platform emphasizes community interaction, allowing users to explore various islands, participate in quests, and earn rewards!
Join the Cashew Gets a Job Community:
Connect with others and unlock your Cashew avatars!
Visit and Favorite 'Get a Job' Island:
Don't forget to check out and favorite our island, which features many fun games and playful elements incorporated from the book!
Let's earn some blooms!

*Make sure to connect with the wallet that holds your Cashew NFTs to get access*